Do you have a Mindset for Success? Do you approach new things with a positive attitude? When it comes to new things are you more likely to think, ‘I can do this’, or ‘I hope this works out’. Most people would pick the second statement. Why?
I think it boils down to fear of change, and wanting to stay comfortable. Change is hard! But why? Generally, making a change involves spending (or risking) your time, money, or your reputation. These are all things that can really trigger our emotions.
Would you make decisions differently if you weren’t afraid of risking these things? I might. I believe the fear of failure holds many people back. The reality is that some of our greatest advances came after a long series of failures. I can’t think of one case where someone just sat down without any previous trials, tests, or experiments and created a perfect solution to a problem.
How would you live your life if you weren’t concerned about how others perceive you? If your answer is ‘exactly like I’m living it now’, then congratulations, you’ve got your life in alignment with your mindset. However, most people would always find something to change. What stops them? Self confidence. Here’s one of my favorite Henry Ford quotes ‘ Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right!’ We see examples of this in our lives every day. People with great skills and talent afraid to seek out a higher paying job, or starting their own business.
We also see examples of people without specific business training, deciding that they want more and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. They’ll put a huge amount of work and just won’t give up, because they believe in themselves. They’ve created a Mindset for Success!
This isn’t unique to business, when I was training for a half-marathon I remember talking to people about how I didn’t really like to run, but was committed to doing this. Several responded that ‘they’d never be able to run that far’. I remember thinking that they really could, they were probably in better shape than I was. But with that attitude, they were exactly right.
Is it really that easy? I just need to believe in myself and I’ll be able to run a marathon, or start a business? Nope, you also need to realize that it’s going to be painful and you might fail. It will also take time and maybe money, you’ll have to find a way to prioritize. But, great things can happen in places where you’re uncomfortable.
Make a commitment to yourself and honor that commitment. Want to run a half-marathon? Do some research on training, build your training plan, then commit to doing the work. Even when you’re sore, or don’t feel like it, be consistent with your training. It will pay off in the end. Here’s a secret, even if you don’t complete the half-marathon, I’ll bet that you see plenty of benefits just from planning and training for it.
Same is true if your goal is business related. Want to start a business? There are plenty of online resources to help you in narrowing down your focus to a business that can work for you. But you have to do the research, you have to commit yourself to putting in the time and effort. Once you have an idea, you have to consistently work on building your business. If you put in a few hours one week then drop it for several months, you won’t make any progress. But if you put in time each week, you can’t help but make progress. Again, you may not build the next Google, or Amazon. But the process of making a commitment and consistently working on it will pay off. You’ll learn a great amount about yourself in the process as well, and you’ll build a Mindset for Success!
Changing your mindset isn’t easy. It will take time and effort. If you’re happy with where you are right now, then don’t bother. If you’ve always wondered what you are capable of, then get started doing the work. Believe in yourself. The human mind is amazing, we can accomplish great things if we just have the right mindset. Once you’ve got your mindset dialed in, check out this article: 10 INVESTMENTS THAT MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP! so you can get started building your passive income!
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